Tuesday, November 01, 2005

CHRISTMAS MUSIC ALREADY....Yes, already it has started. Now don't get me wrong..I LOVE Christmas music but we just had Halloween last night and we have not even made it to Thanksgiving.
Every year they start dragging out Christmas, Halloween and Thanksgiving stuff at the stores sooner and sooner. I expect one day to see it all come out around June!! WoW..that will be something.
I also hate it how they start bringing out wool sweaters and outfits here in the sunny SOUTH in July. You walk into a clothing store, sweating and see thost hot and heavy clothes and it does not make you any cooler!! Just what I needed a sweater made out of wool in July in the deep south!! Go figure!!
I enjoyed Halloween last night. We had a lot of princesses, spidermen and darth vadar people. Some came just in street clothes. I asked, "What are you?" " I am nothing," one young man told me. "Well, for your honesty," I said. "Here is some candy!" They go to all extremes I guess.
Our cool weather here in Savannah went from great, wonderful, pleasant and awesome back to HOT today!! I say "Make up your mind, please". Fun learning how to dress here.
Well enough complaining from me. Better do something worth while...

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