Saturday, October 01, 2005

Another day at home alone!! But that is okay!! My poor husband works and works and never has a weekend off. I so hate that for him. Now that the gasoline here in Ga has gone up another 15 cents per gallon, he has the hardest time running all over the place doing everyone's kitchens, appliances, floors, etc. I think sometimes that he would go nuts with all of this if he weren't such a laid back type of guy. Am I lucky? You bet!!

It is still HOT here today although the temp says 77...but the humidity is 88%. You just walk and you sweat!! YUCK!! As I have said before, Southern ladies do not sweat, they perspire!! Oh well!!

My world is doing fine right now. I have new curtains downstairs and they are really pretty. They brighten up our dark room. My husband built that room for us so that we could have small group there. It is a nice room but since it is under the house it is darker than usual. These curtains are red, white and tan. I want to paint the walls tan, but I do not paint well. Guess that is the only way it is going to get painted it myself!! My hubby hates it when I paint. He says I am not good. Oh well just another downfall of mine.

We also have a new bedspread in our bedroom. I think it is gorgeous. Hubby says it looks old fashioned Okay!! I am old-fashioned then!! I am just thankful for a nice, comfy home.

Happy Saturday to everyone!! Have a great weekend..................

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