Monday, July 25, 2005

BASEBALL!! Is anyone out there a "baseball widow"? Hmm..Well you are reading about one here. I have been married for 41 years now and my husband has been in LOVE with the CUBS for ...lets see about 60 years. (He came out of the womb loving the CUBS) As you can see I take BACK SEAT!!

I have learned though that since he works so hard to make this family stay on top of the water...that he should get to see his beloved CUBS no matter what!!

This is one way to make your marriage last forever...just one way mind you..but one that I highly suggest that you follow.

He grew up with the CUBS!! We are orginally from Illinois and of course once you are a CUB fan you are "always" a CUB fan!! They call you a DIE HARD also!! So that puts my husband right up there with the top fans in the USA.

We moved South and it was hard for him to see them all of the time. He would get all set to watch and they would be pre-empted and he would not get to see them. Boy, then a sulking mood would appear out of no where.

We got cable so that maybe he could see them that know pay...but even sometimes they don't get on TV like they are advertised.

Here is the thing to do wives!! Now comes the advice!! When you know that a CUB or any game is ready to go to a different TV...Always remember to give up the BIGGEST SCREEN to your hubby...After all his money (hard earnings) probably bought it anyway. Take a good book and go off by yourself. Let him enjoy!! He deserves it...RIGHT???

Yes, I think he does. At least I believe that MY husband does. He has worked so hard for our family of 5 and now that the kids are grown and have families of their own he deserves this time.

PLUS I enjoy my reading so everyone is HAPPY...HAPPY!!! Have fun reading...I know that I am!!!

1 comment:

Lazy Daisy said...

Dear Cub Widow, Hope you got a good start in that load of books....sorry for being a social butterfly again. I think it will only get worse closer to our departure date....Miss you :(