Saturday, August 20, 2005

Neighbors and Neighborhoods!! I remember when I was growing up that we "neighbored" with our neighbors. Today that is just not done like it was then.

We would get in our car on Sunday afternoons and take long drives. We might think to stop in and see Mr. and Mrs. Jones. We would just pull into their driveway and stop and talk for a while.

Today that is just not done. I don't know when it all stopped, but I think it is way too bad.

For the past year my neighbor and I have been having get togethers of our neighbor women at one of our homes.

I started first with a TEA here at my home with all the pretty dishes, little cakes and of course TEA. It was a success so we decided to do it when we could.

Today we had another neighborhood ladies get together!!

We had lunch this Saturday afternoon. I had made invitations and gave them out to 20 women here in our neighborhood.

We want our neighborhood to be a good place to live and raise our children.

We have had robberies here and we believe that if we know each other then can help prevent this from happening here as often.

Today was fun!! We only had about 8 of the 20 we really should have had come. Life is just too busy anymore I guess. I hate to see the old ways go away....

Life is not what it used to be...and I know that...but just getting to know your neighbor...what harm is that!!

We plan on trying it again in a couple of months. I still think the concept is a great idea!! Talking the neighborhood ladies into it...Well that seems to be another thing.

1 comment:

Lazy Daisy said...

Was this your "flip flop party?" Was is fun? I'm sorry the whole block didn't show up for your party. Keep it're the best!