Sunday, July 05, 2009

Fun, 4th and grandkids

Gpa Mike, Garrett and Maddie having fun last night!!

Seems like when I lay down at night I start to thinking...that is probably why I cannot sleep most nights!! Thinking and thinking !! I started remembering when I was about 20 years younger. I would hear people talk about their 40 year old children. I remember thinking that was really OLD when you had "kids" that old!! Well I have caught up now and I am in that group of parents with 40 year old...CHILDREN!! IMAGINE that!! I just thought about that and was thinking how did that happen? How DID THAT HAPPEN???? Years just passed by all so fast and then one day I woke up and here I am in my 60's already!! Time sure is a funny thing...seconds melt into minutes, minutes into years and before you know it time just flew right by you!!

On to more fun things!!

Last night we went to church then stopped at the McCoys and ate pizza with them. (They had ordered my favorite bacon pizza). From there we got into our cars and traveled out to Hutchinson Island to park our cars and wait for the fireworks to begin. Dad and Mother said that they had not been to see fireworks in years!! So this time they got to see them. We had a pretty good seat. Everyone pulls their cars up over the sidewalk and into the grass. Some people came really prepared with a grill in the back of their trucks. They cook supper there. We had some popcorn and soda, sparklers and some funny fire works called EYE BALLS. When you light them they spin around and then pop loudly!! We had a great time and had a lot of fun taking pictures too...

I tried taking some pictures of the fireworks...did not do a great job....

Garrett and his sparklers

The Statue of Liberty alias Garrett the funster!!

We got home at a decent hour!! Fun..I just love fireworks!!

Today we have been lazy except for Mother and I. We went shopping and looking in this stupid heat. Found a couple of bargains. Shopped for a bird feeder since ours fell down and broke...It just cannot take this heat either!! Now the birds will be happy again!! Smile..

Take care my friends!!

Thought for the day:

"You can’t help getting OLDER, but you “don’t have to get old.”


Anonymous said...

What great pictures - sounds like a great evening of fun. Hope the week ahead is a good one for you! said...

I know what you mean about the time going way to fast!! You turn around once and every one is so grown up!!
Looks like you had a great 4th! Hugs Grams

No I haven't heard from Carolyn

Melli said...

Ohhhhh glad you had a GOOD one! You know... it doesn't matter if you have pizza or a bbq, silly string or bubbles, so long as you're together with family CELEBRATING - and giving THANKS for all we've got! That's all that's important!

Puss-in-Boots said...

What a gorgeous photo of you and Mike, Sandy. Enlarge it, frame it and hang it on your wall.

I, too, love do most people of all ages, I suspect.

Sounds like you had a very happy Fourth with your family.

Take care.

Unknown said...

Sounds like a very nice Fourth!
And bacon pizza? Yum!

Sherry at EX Marks the Spot

Denise said...

Sounds like a very nice weekend sweetie,.

Pear tree cottage! said...

There is enough fun! and family in your blog to make a girl want to come right on over!!! now if your mother will teach me to knit I am on my way!!!! happy 4th of July to you all.


Zaroga said...

It sounds like y'all had a wonderful evening. Love the pictures!

Next year I will join in the ranks of having a child in their 40s... it seems like only yesterday!