Saturday has arrived and here we are trying to get ready for company that will be coming in tomorrow night!! We are finishing up washing, house is cleaned up and well we are about ready!!
Mikey is working today!! I hate it when he has to work on Saturdays but lately since this darn economy, well then we are having to accept it.
Yesterday Mother and I went to my orthopedist!! My knee is still giving me problems after 9 week since my operation.... Plus my plantar fascitis also is killing me!! Mother, bless her heart, has also been suffering for a long time now with her knees and legs. Mother had tons of x-rays and then he talked to her about some shots that she can get to help her knees. They are in a series of 3 injections over 3 weeks. She got a cortisone injection and it has helped her one knee but now of course the other one is aching!!
Me, well he said that "sometimes" (and of course I am in the sometimes) people get what the doctor's call a jelly knee. I have a hard time if I sit with it bent and then try to get up..I almost fall. He gave me a cortisone injection in my knee and also one in my plantar fascia...OH!! They told me that one would hurt and well it did..right in the arch of my right foot. It has taken about 1/4 of the pain away so that is something I guess. I just love falling apart like this!! I tell you it is just more fun than I have ever had.
Got back from Curves this morning where I sweat like a hog!! smile!! I have exercised this knee until I don't know what else to do with it. I am so trying to get it to heal but maybe i am going to just have a jelly knee..hopefully it is strawberry!!
We went out and had steak last night. First time in months and it tasted really good!! Yummy!! I really love a good steak!!
We had quite a display of lightning and pretty clouds last night. I tried to get pictures but i know my camera is just too slow for that.
WE have so many many pine trees here so it
is hard to shoot around them!!
Today is a beautiful in on the front porch hitting flies!! Keeps that population down a little bit. I watered flowers this morning and see that my gardenias are about a thing of the past!! I always hate it when they all die. Next will be the hibiscus!! They are really a beautiful display of color in my little flower garden.
Hoping that you are having a great weekend so far!! We have church tonight and then company comes tomorrow so those are the plans for now so far. It will be a full week this coming week for sure...keeping busy does not seem to be a problem here any longer....
Happy Saturday!!
Thought for the day: "Throw your heart over the fence, and the rest will follow you!!"
Hoping that you are having a great weekend so far!! We have church tonight and then company comes tomorrow so those are the plans for now so far. It will be a full week this coming week for sure...keeping busy does not seem to be a problem here any longer....
Happy Saturday!!
Thought for the day: "Throw your heart over the fence, and the rest will follow you!!"
What in the WORLD do you and Garrett have on your noses??? LOL! You are SUCH a good Grandma! Spit balls and ... whatever!
I have HAD that shot in the foot -- 3 of them! NEVER again! NEVER! (i say... knowing full well pain makes us do ANYTHING to get rid of it!) It completely cured my foot problem though - that was ... geeeez... probably about 10 years ago! So it was worth it... but MAN those things HURT!
I hope you and your Mom both get some relief! Your parents just never cease to AMAZE me! They are awesome!
What a cute picture! You are being such a fun Grandma!!
I am feeling better, the Doctor said I had to have a nurse come once a week to take my vital signs and stuff. My blood pressure is down some and that is good!! My head aches are almost gone too!! I go see my Dr. on Monday for a follow up from being in the hospital... I still haven't had the biopsy report from the colonoscopy. I will be glad to get that report and know what is going on..... I think all is well!
Love and hugs Carolyn
You are so awesome my friend.
A cute picture of you and Garrett. That is a beautiful sky picture too. You know I know about that falling apart thing.
Now, Sandy, what actually is it that you and Garrett have on your noses??
So sorry to hear you're still having knee problems. I'm fortunate in that my knees are okay, it's just my back that gets me sometimes. But like you, I just get on with it...after all, we can't let these things rule our lives, can we? We'd miss out on too much fun!
Sounds like you're going to be busy over the next day or two. Have a lovely time with your visitors.
Hi Sandy,
Sorry you're still having so much pain in your knee and foot. I've never heard of jelly knee but imagine that would be a bit scary. Falling at our age is So Not Good!
Enjoy your company :)
Hello dear Sandy:-)
Finally coming over to catch up on your latest news. You are such a fun grandma and no doubt the kids love spending time with you!!
I was so sorry to read that your knee is still giving you problems. Don't you just hate being in the "sometimes" crowd? lol It's as bad as being told "you'll just need to live with it"!! Hopefully, though, it will eventually heal enough to stop giving you so much pain.
How awesome is that, going for a pedicure with your dad!! You are indeed very blessed to have both your parents still with you and what fun you are having with them:-)
That is indeed great news that Mikey has found work again!!! Prayers that it continues for a long while!
Take good care of yourself and hope you can come over to my blog to wish Steve a Happy Birthday and look through his "baby album"! hehe xoxo
what a cute picture..Enjoyed reading your blog today..still finding my way around blogland....I always love making new friends..I am posting about Disney so hope you will stop by. Commenting automatically puts you in the drawing for the June giveaway.
Oh you are a fun grandma! What fun..... I am out and about again and reading to see what you gals have been up to............ I have so missed everyone! I always love coming here to see what your thought for the day is saying...... I am headed outside to throw my heart over the fence!
Hugs to you and have a fun summer!
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