No, really it is not that bad...I don't mind the time that I am there but about 6 hours or less later and every muscle in my operated knee yells, screams, cramps and wants to just be left alone!! GREAT!! I know this is for my own good!! I really, really do!! PT has changed since I went years they do not do the manipulating and now it is all done with belts, machines and well JUST yourself doing the work!!
I love what Kathy said about one of these exercises that they have you do have to share of course...They ask you to stand on the bad leg not touching a thing for 20 seconds..Your left knee or good knee cannot touch your right knee or the bad knee. Kathy said when they had her do this she said, "How do you think that I can do this now when I could not do it before my accident?" I thought that was funny!! Just one of the things that just automatically comes out of her.
She has been my driver...thank God...I don't know how I would have been able to go to my PT...Hopefully after this coming Monday the doctor will let me drive or I am going to be in a pickle. I will have to walk..guess I will have to start the night!!
I will get back to reading your blogs...double pinkie promise!! Just been one of those weeks. WE have had tons of rain...for Savannah that is something that just does not happen. It has rained most of the week with Kathy and Charlie being here..Not fair to them..BUT we always need the rain. I think it has also helped with the allergies for us too. My eyes suffer!!
My parents are all excited because they finally have a real church!! They started out as a very small bunch of people at the mortuary!! My parents thought that was a good place because as they put it they would not have far to go!! Smile!! They have struggled as a small church but I think they are just beginning to see some growth!! Praise God who is still working in this world!!

Thought for the day: "I did not find my friends, God gave them to me"!! Right?? This is from Ralph Waldo Emerson

Just playing a little catch up on blog reading and was so surprised to read that you had your surgery. Glad that all went well and that you are on the road to recovery now. That PT stuff is awful!!!! I can sympathize somewhat with you as I blew my knee out and had to have it repaired when I was in my 20s. I'm sure it was easier then than it would be now. Stay strong.
Oh so glad to hear your doing well! I've been thinkin' about you guys all week. I know you've had fun EVEN with PT, rain, and pain! Fun is just what you two do! You can't help yourselves! I miss you both so much it hurts!
I have been praying for you!! I'm sorry I haven't been around either. I know you've had the best of care there for sure. We finally have some of that rain down here. My yard (and my sinuses) needed it BAD!!
Love ya!
I know it's agonizing work!!! One of my son-in-laws is a Physical therapist, and I hear from my friends all the time, how at first they think they will hate him, and then they sing his praises, when they are finally finish their therapy that he wouldn't let them stop!!
Good luck with the PT, Sandy. I used to work for an orthopaedic practice and some of the patients did not like going to physiotherapy (as it's called in this part of the world), but of course, if they didn't it made their recovery so much slower and they never had full range of movement. So keep at it, Sandy, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger...grin.
Still praying for you my friend, love you.
Glad you are progressing, Sandy. I'm hoping to dust my bike off soon... my knee does better when I ride my bike. I still do some of my pt exercises.
Hi Sandy, I know you will be a star at PT..keep on moving your knee and leg!! My sister tried to get up this morning, but got dizzy and had nausea.. PT will try again tomorrow.She has a Foley, two drains from the incisions , IV fluids and nasal O2. Her blood pressure has been on the low pumps on both legs to help prevent blood food neither... only water and sprite until bowel sounds are improved..I hope she can get up and walk a few steps tomorrow..
Have a good week-end. Hugs, Barb
I know how bad that hurts but you will be so glad you did.....don't want that knee to freeze up.... I cried and cried when I did my therapy but today I have a knee that has 100 percent movement........
Praying for you sweetie.........
Hurry and get well Sandy,have so many to pray for,but will keep it up with you too. Just think everyday will be better than the day before. Just remember how much it hurt before you had it done, hurt hurt hurt. I am still struggling with it, so believe me it is no fun. Stay cool and talk later. Love Mother & DAd
Hi Sandy,
Glad you're making such good progress. I know you'll be sorry to see your company leave. Goodbye's are never easy..
You're blessed to have so much rain, we could sure use some here!
The progress and your physical therapy sounds promising!!!! And you have such a good deal of optimism in your blog. That's good!!!
Hello dear Sandy:-)
I'm finally feeling much better today so I'm visiting all my favourite people! With my head so full of cold and headache all weekend, I didn't feel like being on the computer much.
I'm so sorry that you've been feeling so much pain while having physical therapy but I guess that's the only way you can strengthen your knee. I remember when Steve broke his leg in 4 places and started TP, he thought for sure he was doing more damage than good to it but eventually it did get better:-) Please know that I'm thinking of you and praying that you'll soon feel 100% again!!
I can well imagine how sad it was for you to see your company leave but thank goodness they did come when they did so that you could have help:-) I'm sure next time you see them you'll be walking all over the place! xoxo
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