Monday Monday...the beginning of the work week and the beginning of good things...I hope!! I never have understood why Monday gets a bad wrap..but that has been its history!! Too bad for Monday!!
I am off to work at Curves this afternoon from 3-7 and also tomorrow and Wednesday. I have missed this...especially when I am busy!! I love being busy so let's hope this afternoon is full to overflowing with ladies!!
Last week when I was at Curves another lady and I got to talking (imagine that)!! She and I are close to the same age so we started doing some reminisencing about when we were young and the fun things that we did.
We both grew up on farms and remember the milking; the kitties licking their lips when the milk was squirted on them; sheep; cows; those rotten hand pecking hens; the outhouse; the pigs and so much more. We talked about so much and it made her time on the circuit go really quick!!
We also talked that kids today will never know the fun of those things above unless somehow they do live on farms which are few and far between any more..too bad we both thought!! Kids will never remember going to town and the stores were in separate buildings..NOT a Mall!! They will never remember taking the eggs to town to get money for them. I am so glad that I grew up in that period!! I think that I am who I am for that past experience. How about you? How did you grow up?
I think of the times that Ron and I did not even have a swing set but we made something work. Dad would make us a swing in the tree..which to this day i still adore!! Get me near one and away I go!! We would take things like the clothes line poles and make things to tight rope walking!! Just fun stuff!! I think that we had to use our imaginations a lot more than kids do today.
I want my grands to know that these were fun days. I just recently did something that just occurred to me to do. I bought cards for each of our 7 grands and wrote notes to each of them...Someone told me if you do that they will think that you have a serious disease and are going to die..Oh well..Maybe so but I just wrote to each one of them..The oldest 4 first and then the youngest 3 next. I knew the young ones would say..there is nothing in here..NO MONEY!! Too bad..just a note from your old grandmother. I wrote that it was a "JUST BECAUSE" card...Just because i wanted to tell them how special they are to me and that I love them.
How often do we really tell people that we Love Them? Hm!! Think about it!! I am going out of my way now to remember that..I need to use those words more. At church lately we have been in a family series and Cam has been preaching on using the words..I love you and Forgive me. He says those are the hardest words for us to I am going to learn how and when to use these from now on.
Enough of my jabbering now...I need to get ready for my afternoon job!! Every little bit helps you know.
Take care and i will try to get out and visit..
Monday, April 27, 2009
Monday Memories
Posted by
Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess
12:04 PM
Labels: memories; grands
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Sweetie, this was a really nice post. I love you.
Good afternoon Sandy, it was good to see you this morning at Curves.Diane went to Curves about two hours after me.. I talked to her on the phone a few minutes ago.
I tell all of my grands and adult kids that "I love you", whenever I see them ....and always on the phone after we talk!!!
Talk care.... love you!!!
what a beautiful post! my memories are similar and i wouldn't trade them for anything. kids today can't even go out and play without an adult. what fun is that?
smiles, bee
This is a beautiful post and brought me back to the farm once again. The outhouse was something that kids today don't know about. They think it is like a portapotty. Ha! It was quite different.
Did you have horses. In winter, Grandpa would hook up the team to the sleigh. Oh, what fun we had flying across the snow in a winter wonderland.
I have family stories that I hope the boys will enjoy when they are older. I really need to make them each a book of my childhood memories. It was a different time back then. Grandma & Grandpa didn't have electricity when I was young.
I wouldn't trade any of those experiences either. It was like living in a different era.
Thanks so much for sharing, my friend. Enjoy your week.
A great post, Sandy. Write more notes. The grandkids will cherish them... maybe not now, but eventually.
Yes those were the days, we never had much, but we did a lot with what we had. Remember the stilts that Dad made? So many things we had to use our imagination on, I tried to teach the 2 of you to do tumbling, as I always liked to do that. Your dancing lessons and singing lessons did not hurt either of you. You can both sing today. I regret not remembering how to play the piano, know it was hard for my Mother to give me lessons, but she did what she could for my brother and I and I love her for that. Just always stay as sweet as you are and your life will be fullfilled with lots of happiness. Love you my daughter. Love Mother & dad
Hi Sandy,
A lot of the things you wrote about today brought back some fond memories for me. I used to never say the words 'I love you', but when I married that all changed. My husband's entire family are huggers and always say those three little words. The longer I was married the easier it became to say those words to people I love. I am so glad and thankful for that.
I hope you have a good week.
Hey Babe, I'm all mushy. What a sweet thing to do....write your grands. I need to do more of that. My poor grandbaby blogs need updating. Miss you.
Hi Sandy. I'm sorry I haven't been here for a while. It's nice to know that you're back at Curves. It's a great indication that you're doing much better which makes me glad.
It must have been nice growing up in a farm. I have lived in the city since I was a child and I remember how I looked forward to visiting my grandma in the province. She had a lot of farm animals and my brother and I loved helping her feed them. She also had a small fish pond and she allowed my brother and I to go fishing there. Would you believe that instead of catching a fish, I caught a crab? It was a funny and memorable experience.
I think it's sweet that you wrote your grandchildren cards.
You brought back some good memories. I grew up in a small town and had great fun with neighbors and friends.
Love and Hugs,
Sandy, how nice to have a moment here today to tke a peek! at your blog and I juat kept on reding right back to easter! and enjoyed catching up on you and your family. best wishes to your sister in law and hope her recovery is going well.
I have missed you and visitng as often as I did but think about you and others but you every time I drive past curves! here lol! lol! lol! I may go in one day!! (smiles)
I know exactly what you mean by making your own fun. We used to build tree houses out of whatever materials we could find. We'd put on our neighbourhood concerts and plays, we'd ride our bikes for miles and come home tired out but happy and healthy.
My daughters were brought up on a farm and they loved it, the animals, the biggest playground in the world and a fabulous swimming hole for summer. Kids today are missing such a lot.
Great post, Sandy. Take care.
I agree Flip Flop! I am only 33, with three girls aged 12, 13 and 14, but I remember the joys of making our own fun- climbing trees, making cubby houses, rowing a friend's boat across the pond. I wish my girls got this sort of fun too, but they're not that interested. They just have NO IDEA what they're missing!
Good for you for going back to work at Curves...I know how much you enjoy that:-) I wasn't raised on a farm but with 5 children and only my dad working, we couldn't afford bikes, swing sets, etc, so we made do with what we had and if we didn't have it, we made it! I loved the swing my dad made for us hanging from a big tree branch. As you say, children these days will never the sweet innocent fun we use to have.
Love the idea you had of sending cards "just because" to your doubt it will put a big smile on their faces:-)
Hope your week is going well my friend:-) xoxo
Hello Dear Flip Flop....
Sorry I haven’t been visiting recently. Your blog is looking so pretty and colourful......
Enjoyed your reminiscing over those good old days..... I do agree with all you say and how our childhood was enriched with the simple things in life and not costing a fortune as with children today.
I like your idea of the ‘Just Because’ cards.
Love you Dear Sandy..... Marion
Enjoyed your post! thanks for sharing.
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