It's my birthday, and I'll cry if I want to
Cry if I want to, cry if I want to
You would cry too if it happened to you!!
Cry if I want to, cry if I want to
You would cry too if it happened to you!!
Thanks to Leslie Gore!! I woke up this morning with this song in my head..WHY!! Well I have no idea..just because it is my head!! Smile!! I have lived another 64 years here on this earth so guess it should be a good day!! I am not crying...not really..just another day and more numbers that just keep getting higher...Just a number!!
I have had a great week with lunch two days in a row for my birthday..Wednesday with my daughter to Panera Bread and yesterday with a good friend Madeline at Sweet Potatoes!! Good place to eat here in Savannah...
Yesterday was a good day. I went to MOPS (mothers of preschoolers) that I was invited to be on a panel of mentor moms..They called it the Wise Women Panel!! Wow!! I do believe I have arrived!! Smile!! No, was fun!! We answered the questions that I had posted her on my last post and I think that God gave us the answers. I tried to prepare...some..but not really..Like Mike said you always "shoot from the hip" anyway...and that is exactly what I did....We had a great time with more questions asked and I feel good about my answers plus the other two mentor moms had wonderful responses. You know these are things that we all wish...(well I do) that I had done as a young I can look back and realize that would have been good. I mostly told them to SLOW down and enjoy their children...One day they would be all grown and you will regret running through this time in your life!!
Afterwards, my friend Madeline took me to Sweet Potatoes to eat and we had come wonderful conversation like we always do. Wish that she did not live so far from me...
I decided since I was right there I would stop and get my nails done so that they would look nice for my birthday!! Who cares but me...Oh well...I was sitting getting then done...They of course found out that my birthday is today..I went to wash my hands and they put me in the pedicure seat and gave me a FREE pedicure!! YES!! Well that really tickled me and gave me some good relaxation time....
I needed the relaxation because after that I went to pick up the kids...No...really they are good. We stayed at school so that they could play at the park there. I usually give them a half hour to run the day off...Madison wanted to come to the car before the time was finished so off we went back home...
It was a fun and happy day!! Wish that it could have been today so that i could have said what a fun birthday that I had!! BUT one good thing is that Mike is going to be home most of the day so that will be good...Our daughter and family will be leaving and going on a camping trip with some friends this weekend...
Hope your day is great today...I have about 5 friends that have a birthday today too...WE are all different ages of course but hopefully they will have a wonderful day!!
Thought for the day: "Old age is like everything else. To make a success of it, you've got to start young". - Fred Astaire...from one of my favorite dancers!!

I have had a great week with lunch two days in a row for my birthday..Wednesday with my daughter to Panera Bread and yesterday with a good friend Madeline at Sweet Potatoes!! Good place to eat here in Savannah...
Yesterday was a good day. I went to MOPS (mothers of preschoolers) that I was invited to be on a panel of mentor moms..They called it the Wise Women Panel!! Wow!! I do believe I have arrived!! Smile!! No, was fun!! We answered the questions that I had posted her on my last post and I think that God gave us the answers. I tried to prepare...some..but not really..Like Mike said you always "shoot from the hip" anyway...and that is exactly what I did....We had a great time with more questions asked and I feel good about my answers plus the other two mentor moms had wonderful responses. You know these are things that we all wish...(well I do) that I had done as a young I can look back and realize that would have been good. I mostly told them to SLOW down and enjoy their children...One day they would be all grown and you will regret running through this time in your life!!
Afterwards, my friend Madeline took me to Sweet Potatoes to eat and we had come wonderful conversation like we always do. Wish that she did not live so far from me...
I decided since I was right there I would stop and get my nails done so that they would look nice for my birthday!! Who cares but me...Oh well...I was sitting getting then done...They of course found out that my birthday is today..I went to wash my hands and they put me in the pedicure seat and gave me a FREE pedicure!! YES!! Well that really tickled me and gave me some good relaxation time....
I needed the relaxation because after that I went to pick up the kids...No...really they are good. We stayed at school so that they could play at the park there. I usually give them a half hour to run the day off...Madison wanted to come to the car before the time was finished so off we went back home...
It was a fun and happy day!! Wish that it could have been today so that i could have said what a fun birthday that I had!! BUT one good thing is that Mike is going to be home most of the day so that will be good...Our daughter and family will be leaving and going on a camping trip with some friends this weekend...
Hope your day is great today...I have about 5 friends that have a birthday today too...WE are all different ages of course but hopefully they will have a wonderful day!!
Thought for the day: "Old age is like everything else. To make a success of it, you've got to start young". - Fred Astaire...from one of my favorite dancers!!

Happy Birthday Sandy!!!! I just know its going to be a very special day as you are very special to a lot of people... Enjoy!!
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday Sweet sandy
Happy Birthday To You.
Sounds like you've been celebrating all week. LOL
Happy Birthday dear Flip Flop..... Have a wonderful day.
I have sent you a private email. Marion x
I don't think I have been here before Baba mentioned your birthday so I wanted to come over and visit... Great Blog.
♪♫♪ Happy Birthday to you♪♫♪
♪♫♪ Happy Birthday to you♪♫♪
♪♫♪ Happy Birthday dear Sandy♪♫♪
♪ Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuu♪
Hope your day ois extra special
Have a very special birthday today. God Bless.
Happy Birthday to YOU! I hope you and Mikey find something FUN to get into today -- even if it's just a game of canasta - and YOU win! LOL! Wish I could be there with ya! I truly do!
Happy Birthday, Sandy. You're almost as old as me. Thanks for sharing.
Happy Birthday to my beautiful friend, love you.
Happy Birthday Sandy! May you have a fun and memorable birthday celebration with the people you love. God bless.
Wishing you a Happy Day! Hope you get spoiled!
Hi Sandy, I am glad you liked my blog today honoring you on your birthday!!Enjoy the day and many happy days ahead. Hugs, Barb
Happy Birthday to one of the most wonderful people I've ever had the privilege to "meet":-) Sounds like you've been having a great week and it really does make it worth turning another year older, doesn't it?! lol Glad you have your hubby there with you today...maybe he'll let you win at Canasta for once??? hehe Wish I lived near, I'd bring you a birthday cake...calorie free of course! :-) xoxo
Happy Birthday to You!!
I really liked your quote at the end and love those flip-flops!! I just bought a new pair in anticipation of a warmer day!!
I just found your blog from BaBa's blog. I will come back. How did you generate the over 50's list? That is a great idea for all of us "over 50's" to connect with each other.I'll be back
Happy, happy birthday. Have a wonderful day.
I hope your day has been filled with joy and happiness AND surprises!!
Happy Birthday ,Flip- Flop.
I am wishing you many many more.
My mama loves to eat at Sweet Potatoes. Maybe we can arrange to meet there one day.
Pea sent me over to wish you a Happy Birthday! :o)
I hope it is was a great one! I knew most of this from FB but I must comment again on how interesting I find the MOPS program. I'm filing this information in my head, as a possibility for a future ministry at our church preschool. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Sandy!
I enjoyed catching up on your blog. Loved the pooch on Wordless Wednesday. Thanks for the smiles :-) :-)
Happy Birthday to you sweet blogging friend! I am SO THANKFUL that our paths crossed. You are a blessing to me. I love reading all that you are doing...and I have to tell ya' I was a little jealous about Sweet Potatoes...I LOVED that place!
Happy Birthday, from Canada, Sandy! The pooch is still hysterics up here. :)
Happy Birthday dear Sandy, and I wish for you many more happy birthdays. Sounds like you have had a wonderful day in celebration of you.
I wish you a happy birthday and of course many more, Sandy. Sounds like you had a lovely day and congratulations on becoming a Mom mentor. I think, at our age, we do have some nuggets of wisdom to give young moms. I certainly wouldn't like to be bringing up children today.
Have a wonderful year, Sandy. Hugs.
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