Friday, June 09, 2006

What a beautiful morning but according to the weather man we have some pretty warm temperatures coming in today and for the weekend. It is supposed to get into the 100's.
gI got up early this morning in order to get to Curves and get my workout over with. I need to come home and get my home cleaned up a bit. My being gone for 3 weeks took a toll on my house. I lost some plants outside too!! My beautiful hanging plant died!! I really do hate that!! My dear husband was just too busy to water it every day. But I guess that means I get to search for a new one now!! Always think of the positive side of things...right?

As I said I went to Curves and decided to go ahead and get my weight and measurements done for this month. I had visited several Curves while I was gone so crossing my fingers I got on the scales and found that I had lost a total now of 25 lbs!! I am very happy with this!! I got measured and have lost a total of 30 inches too!! I have been going now since April of 2005. I am a slow loser but I think that is good. Maybe the slower it comes off the better!!

After Curves I came home and gave my thirsty flowers outside a good drink for the day. I know this is not going to be enough for the HOT day that is ahead for them but it is all that I can do for those poor outside plants.

I have enjoyed getting back into reading all of my blogging buddies again. I was so behind since I have been gone. I really missed reading how everyone's lifes have been going. Mine has been really hectic with moving my parents. I feel so much better now with them in Arizona and my being back at home here with my husband. He is Very Happy to have me back home. I think all wives should leave for a little while and then see how happy their husbands are to have them home again. You are really missed!! Believe me!!

I am including a picture of me at my favorite store....KOHLS in Illinois along with some flip flops. I hear that one is coming to our area within about 18 months. You can bet my daughter and I will be right there at the front door when it opens.

Have a great Friday!!!


Unknown said...

I bet you're so happy to be home! I don't know if I could take being away from home for longer than 1 week at a time. I'm too much of a homebody!! (But of course, your trip was more of a necessity, huh?)

Sorry to hear about your favorite flower. But like you said, it's still fun to buy more!!!

And the flip flops in the pic!-------What a great way to show you as you!!!

And one more thing, you look terrific. To me, it doesn't look like you need to lose any more weight....but it's what makes you happy.

Again, glad you're back and nice to see you again.

Lazy Daisy said...

Hey girlfriend....Woo Hoo!!! Congrats on the inches too! Love the picture of you with the multicolored flip flops. ( many tributes do you want? Look back in the achieves and I think you will see pictures of us every single day doing something fun and me.....singing your praises! (how quickly they forget?)) Love ya loads, just in case you forgot!

Melli said...

Whooo hooo! You GO on that weight loss and inches girl! You are doing terrific! I'm enjoying Curves program too! (I have just been ignoring everything that goes on around me!) LOL! I've got a couple more weeks before I get measured again.

I agree whole-heartedly about women leaving home -- I took a 3 week vacation without hubby last year and he was very happy to see me return! And he's away this week -- that's important too! Gives me a chance to have the bed to myself! LOL! But I do miss him too!

Cute pic of you with the flip flops! Did you buy a pair of every color?

Jennifer said...

Welcome home!! I'm glad you're back and posting regularly again!! :)
WHOOHOO on the losing weight and inches!! I'm so proud of you!!!