Tuesday, March 14, 2006


What would I do without them!! Curl up and die!! I have always been that way...at least I think that I have been. Making friends to me, seems to be one of the easiest things in the world to do.

Mother used to say that when I was little that I would go up to the dirtest looking people and start talking to them. She would miss me and there I would be talking. I even find myself talking to people when I am in a line like in the grocery store. If someone really looks nice even if I don't know them I just have to tell them so. Crazy lady!! I know. Just my personality and well...I guess I cannot help it.

I have to be around people!! When I am alone I enjoy it(for awhile) but I cannot do that for long periods of time. I have to know that sometime soon I am going to be around people. Coming soon I have a date to meet with another friend to go to lunch or some very important event like that.

I guess just being around others is very important to me!!

That is why when we made this BIG gigantic move 5 years ago to where we are now (1000 miles) it was hard for me because I did not know ANYONE!! That first year just about KILLED me!! I had to find a friend!!

One of our neighbors came right over and introduced herself and was very friendly. She and I became friends right away but she had her own set of friends then. We are now good friends and that has helped me more than she will ever know.

We joined a church as soon as we could and of course that is always the best thing to do when you are new. Now I have so many great friends and wonderful neighbors. I also make up little baskets when new neighbors move here because I know just how they feel.....Lonely. I don't want anyone else to feel like I did that first year I lived here. (My hubby calls me the Welcome Wagon)!! I could be called worse I guess!!!

People are really important in our lives and I believe that God puts them there to help us, to guide us and to love us through the many trials, hard times and also the happy times that come into our lives. He wants them to be there to walk beside us and to be HIS hands and to show HIS love. I am still in awe when I think how God sends people to me at just the right times in my life. I just need to learn to watch for them and then to tell God "thanks" one more time for sending these angels into my life!!

My blogging angels have been great too. Keep encouraging me as you read my posts. My pain is better and I know that God is working through me and letting me experience it for some major reason. I know because I would not have had it for these past 10 years if HE did not have a plan for me.

Take care everyone and have a good night!!!


Ladybug Crossing said...

You sound like my sister! She makes friends everywhere! Her hubby left her in line at a Starbucks - he had to get something out of the car. When he returned less than 2 minutes later, Auntie had made friends with all the people in line.

Unknown said...

HI Sandy! Speaking of friends, I'm a friend of a friend of yours. Does the name Kathy Bennetch ring a bell???? Of course it does. Last fall I began volunteering where she and Charlie are working and then we discovered we're neighbors! She got me started in blogging and has told me that you may need some suggestions for your blog. I'm not as good as Kathy's Becky, but I can help you some--if you'd like. You can email me at fspirson@aim.com and we'll see what we can do.

Kimmy said...

I'm right there with you. I am a people person. I NEED them!

"My pain is better and I know that God is working through me and letting me experience it for some major reason. I know because I would not have had it for these past 10 years if HE did not have a plan for me."

AMEN! You are 100% correct. I feel exactly the same way.

Happy St. Patrick's Day ;)