Monday, August 22, 2005

I know, I has been awhile since I have written in here. It is so HOT here that it seems like I just stay PUT inside and try to keep cool!!

I go to church, to CURVES and that is about it!! Getting old and stale in my advancing age I guess!! I am longing for some cool outside air.

September is going to be bringing a new set of things to do for me. Starting with MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) of which I am a mentor...You know Mentor...Someone who has already been there, already done that and well cannot remember!! NOPE!! I have to remember to be of any help.

Also our bible study starts and we will be in Precepts once again under the authority of Joy and Kay Arthur!! It is getting deeper and deeper each year in this study. I expect tihs one to be WAYYYYYYY deep this year!! So hang on to your shoes and get ready to learn!!!

Between these two things which makes meetings and more meetings plus CURVES and church I will get really, really busy.

Then there is the little thing of taking care of my house and my wonderful husband. I cannot let those two slip. Plus I will be needing to put my exercising at CURVES in there too. The coming months should be fun but very busy ones...Schedules...never liked them but they do help with organizing your time.

So you see my life is somewhat boring right now but soon to pick up and start going!!

Hope I have something to write about then...

1 comment:

Lazy Daisy said...

Glad to see you writing again. I've missed your comments on life. Today was really hard physically so I chose to write about something totally different than "my so called life!"