HUH!! Yeap that is what we hear the most around our home these days. My dad will be 91 in August and really cannot hear...oh sure, he has hearing aides but I am not sure that does much good at all!! He has always been so used to saying...'HUH' and even with hearing aides he still says...HUH!! I can see why my mother gets so aggravated at him. I think most of the time when you talk to him he just smiles and agrees..i don't think he really hears. We hear that famous line of his..."HUH" once again!! Too bad!! I would hate not to be able to hear!! You would miss out on too much and well that is just NOT my personality!! I am a woman that is "in the need to know"!! You know what I mean!!
We took Dad and Mother to Burger King today!! Dad's favorite. Don't tell Dad but I really do not like eating there but he does so that is what is important!! Stopped at the Mall and I took everyone into CURVES to show them where I we had to play on the machines. Dad just sat and watched and the rest of us acted silly!! I worked this morning so had closed so knew that we could go in and just show them. We had fun...
Back home now. It is really hot here lately!! Think that the weather thinks it is August and not June!! Mixed up!! It is pretty though. We had a thunder storm go through this morning around 1:30 that woke up most of us..Course there is Dad with no hearing aides in and he slept right through it. Guess that would be an advantage.
I had a lot of pictures i wanted to download but now it seems like it is too late to show them..Or well..there will be more...
I have tried to get around to several of your blogs. I feel like I have been MIA lately in the blog world. Crazy..LIFE just gets in the way..
Thought for the day: "Surviving and living your life successfully requires courage. The goals and dreams you're seeking require courage and risk taking. Learn from the turtle--it only makes progress when it sticks out its neck."

Enjoy the rest of your weekend sweetie.
I hate when my internet is down or my computer takes on a life of it's own and does its own stupid things.
Mountain Mama
Sandy, have your Dad's hearing aids been tested recently? Maybe they need to be fine tuned or something? Or maybe his ears are just worn out! 91 is sooooo old!
My friend John's mom has come to stay with him while Paula is at work. (He's home now, you know) Anyway... his mom is 91! That woman still drives herself EVERYwhere and lives by herself and takes care entirely of herself! At 91!!! She's amazing! I hope I can be like that at 91! If I want it though, I better get myself back on a diet and get back to exercising too!
I hope that Dr. is able to help your Mom with her legs this week! It's scary knowing that both her parents had amputations...
You're all in my prayers!
Huh... it gets said a lot around here. I get fluid in my ears and sound gets muffled. I love closed captioning! I tell Frank I can hear him better if he is facing me :-) I will probably get my ears checked in a few months by the ENT doc. One thing at a time :-)
The hydrangea are lovely. Are they in your garden? Glad to see you are back on the grid.
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