Today's Word is

This is the hankie quilt that my mother made for me out of old hankies!! That is about all the triangles that I could find in this here house!! i know we need to go looking for these pictures but I am home so had to use what I had here...

Hopefully this is a wonderful weekend for everyone!! It is pretty here for sure..This is why I love living here in Savannah. The flowers are blooming and the weather is just near perfect. We have doors and windows open and the air is flowing through our home.

Last night we went to Good Friday Services at our church. They always have the best Good Friday. I forget from year to year and then am so pleasantly reminded of the awe of the service.
It is almost dark and very very quiet as you walk in. This year we entered from the fellowship hall. Along the way as you walk there were big hand painted posters with scriptures about the death of our Savior. There were candles all along the pathway. You next entered the overflow of our sanctuary. They had taken all of the chairs out and simply littered the floor with candles..There had to be hundreds of them.
Next you go into our sanctuary where it is deadly quiet except for this mournful music and on the big screen you see Jesus hanging between two thieves. There is a huge empty cross in the middle of the stage. The setting was just fabulous.
The service starts and the music is terrific as always. We take communion by going up to different stations and dipping our bread into a wine glass. Next we have been given a black little square of paper. We are asked to write our sins on that paper and nail them to the cross. They had about 6 locations with wood where you go and nail your paper to this large piece of wood.
You sit back down and listen to the hammering...the effect is just awesome!! Just to think what our Christ endured on the cross for us!!
Men pick up each section of the wood and take it to the empty cross and place the pieces inside the cross. Our sins are nailed to the cross just like Jesus died for us...right there on the Cross.
It was a very moving service and really leaves you with the awe and mystery of that Good Friday so long ago...
Now tonight at our service it will be the HALLELUJAH Praise service depicting Christ's resurrection from that old cross!! It will be full of praise and happiness!! What a time of the year for we who are Christians.

Hopefully this is a wonderful weekend for everyone!! It is pretty here for sure..This is why I love living here in Savannah. The flowers are blooming and the weather is just near perfect. We have doors and windows open and the air is flowing through our home.

Last night we went to Good Friday Services at our church. They always have the best Good Friday. I forget from year to year and then am so pleasantly reminded of the awe of the service.
It is almost dark and very very quiet as you walk in. This year we entered from the fellowship hall. Along the way as you walk there were big hand painted posters with scriptures about the death of our Savior. There were candles all along the pathway. You next entered the overflow of our sanctuary. They had taken all of the chairs out and simply littered the floor with candles..There had to be hundreds of them.
Next you go into our sanctuary where it is deadly quiet except for this mournful music and on the big screen you see Jesus hanging between two thieves. There is a huge empty cross in the middle of the stage. The setting was just fabulous.
The service starts and the music is terrific as always. We take communion by going up to different stations and dipping our bread into a wine glass. Next we have been given a black little square of paper. We are asked to write our sins on that paper and nail them to the cross. They had about 6 locations with wood where you go and nail your paper to this large piece of wood.
You sit back down and listen to the hammering...the effect is just awesome!! Just to think what our Christ endured on the cross for us!!
Men pick up each section of the wood and take it to the empty cross and place the pieces inside the cross. Our sins are nailed to the cross just like Jesus died for us...right there on the Cross.
It was a very moving service and really leaves you with the awe and mystery of that Good Friday so long ago...
Now tonight at our service it will be the HALLELUJAH Praise service depicting Christ's resurrection from that old cross!! It will be full of praise and happiness!! What a time of the year for we who are Christians.

I haven't seen our sweet Ms. Sandy in a long time. Hope all is well with you...You're in my thoughts!!!
Happy Easter.
Hi Sandy... I'm sure during this service many are moved to tears, I would be!! Thanks for giving me a small glimpse of this beautiful service!!
Hi Sandy, your Good Friday service sounded great and very moving.. thanks for sharing it with makes a church service special!!!
Hugs, Barb
Hi Sandy. Sounds as if your knee is healing pretty quickly. I don't think I could have coped with hearing the hammering, knowing what it represents. But your church service certainly sounds very imaginative.
I hope you and Mike have a very Happy Easter.
The hankie quilt is pretty. Lots of triangles.
I love how you described your church services.
Happy Easter!
It sounds like a lovely service Sandy. Like our Tenebrae in many aspects. We, too, nail our sins to the cross. (we just have one and it's on the altar but off to the side) But last night we had something that we've not done before. At the very end, right before we all departed silently, we had a bell toll - 33 times for the years of Jesus life. The sanctuary was completely dark at that time -- even the Christ candle had been removed. After the last bell, the Christ candle was brought back to signify hope.
But we do not have any communion after Maundy Thursday, until Easter morning when He is risen. So no communion at either of our services yesterday - and we don't have any Saturday services. So, it's exciting to US to get to have communion again!
The hankie quilt is beautiful and I have one started with hankies of my Mom...........
Your service sounds wonderful...... Touching lives....
Such a lovely hankie quilt.
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