EYE to EYE!!
Good Morning and welcome to another Wednesday or as some people call it..."HUMP DAY"!! Here is the world of blogging some of us call it Wordless Wednesday!! Here in my world I call today...THE DAY BEFORE MY SURGERY!! Yeap, tomorrow sometime I go to get my right knee repaired and hopefully come out of this quickly!! I have no idea about the time yet but should know sometime today after 2:00...that is when they are supposed to be calling me...so my cell phone is going to be attached to me during that time.
This morning i felt like a young mom once again...at least for a few minutes anyway. We kept Garrett over night. His mommy and Maddie left this morning for Sea World in Florida. I went to get him out of bed this morning!! I saw a bump in the middle of the bed and when I touched it I knew he was fooling around (he takes after his daddy...funny). He was under the bed and reached out and grabbed my foot..SCARED me just the way he wanted We got breakfast and then brushed teeth and you know or you remember got all ready for school..Kind of takes you back a little!! Smile!!

The 4th and 5th graders(Maddie's class) are on their way to Florida with a stop at St. Augustine first. They get to sleep next to the Polar Bears tonight..which means it will be cold..plus they are sleeping on kindergarten mats!! Our daughter was not too happy with the sleeping arrangements!! I told her it makes my back hurt just thinking about it. She said they get to see some of the behind things that go on at SeaWorld...so that should be an experience!! It is fun living this close to places here in the South where the kids can actually see for themselves the things that they learn about!!

As for me...I am just hoping to get this house swept today...bathrooms are done and hopefully that is all that I am going to think about...Lazy Daisy and Mr. Wonderful come sometime Friday to stay with us. I always look forward to this time but this year I will not be able to run around like we usually do...DARN IT!! But just having her company will be worth it all.

Hope your day is going GRAND so far...
Thought for the day: "You always have TIME for the THINGS you put FIRST!!"

Good luck with the surgery Sandy.
You are prayed up m'dear! I hope you get an early time slot so you can just get in and get it OVER with! Enjoy your time with Kathy - let her baby you a bit! She LOVES that!
I think that Garrett and I would get along real well. I like to scare people too.haha. You are in our prayers for a safe surgery and quick recovery.
Love ya,
Hi Sandy,
I am praying your surgery will be a success.
Oh FlipFlop, I'll remember you. I have to go for a little thing tomorrow too, but will be home again by night.
Hello dear Sandy:-)
Finally catching up with your latest news...please know that I will be thinking of you and praying for you tomorrow that all goes well with your surgery. Just make sure you follow the doctor's orders afterwards and don't let Daisy make you jump around when she and Mr. Wonderful arrive!! hehe I so wish I could meet both of you, you have both become such dear friends. Good luck and let us know as soon as you can how everything went!! xoxo
You are very much in my prayers sweetie, love you.
My thoughts and prayers are with you, Sandy. Write me when you are up to it.
Nice you had a good time with Garrett.
I just love reading your blog...always makes me smile! Praying all went great with your surgery and for a speedy recovery!
Hi Sandy. I'll be praying for you. I hope that you'll have a successful surgery.
Glad you spent quality time with Garrett. It must have brought sweet memories of the time when your kids were his age.
Take care and God bless.
Ooh, Sandy. All the very best with your surgery and I pray it goes well for you.
I hope you are doing well following the knee surgery.
Hope your surgery went well and you are doing good. Glad to hear Kathy is there with you. Give her a big hug for me.
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