Welcome to a beautiful day here in South Eastern Georgia!! It is about 67 now with the sun shining..my kind of weather for sure..as long as the sun shines!! YEAH!!
Mike and i went to our orthopedist appt this past Monday!! Mike is going to have his left knee replaced later this year or the next. I, on the other hand, am going to have arthroscopy done on my right knee to fix a torn meniscus!! GREAT!! I am going in on the 26th of this month and get this thing over with. I am not at all anxious about it as i know that something has to be done...I am though, not happy with the timing. I wish that it could have roused its ugly head this next year when i could have had some extra help with Medicare but since it is now during the worst time in our financial history, well there is nothing that can be done. Just tighten our belts more and go on with it.
I go this Friday for my pre-op and then I guess i am ready when they are. The BEST part of this whole thing is that Lazy Daisy and her Mr. Wonderful will be coming the day after my surgery to stay with us. I hate it that I am not going to be doing all that fun running around but at least I will have someone here to talk too...That will be great!! They will be staying with us for awhile while they check in with our church and those that support them at ETS!! We always LOVE having them...
I have been keeping busy with a puzzle. I really like putting them together. Tootsie let me borrow this one and believe me it is quite the puzzle..Very small parts..1000 in all. I am close to getting it done. Mike, I find out, does not like doing puzzles so i have put it mostly together myself with a little help from Maddie when she comes over. She seems to like doing them too..maybe it is a girl thing. We used to put them together when I was young...
Thought for the day:"I was always taught to respect my elders, But it keeps getting harder to find one."

Will remember you FlipFlop and that all will go well.
Praying for you as you face the surgery...I'm glad you will have company and help!
I love puzzles too but not with this many pieces. You are the smart on indeed!
I'm sorry to hear about the surgery, but what a blessing that sweet Daisy will be there to help when it's over. I love doing jigsaw puzzles. I used to set one out Dec. 1st and we'd try and finish it by Dec. 25th. The cats and younger kids changed that little tradition an few years back!!
Hi Sandy,
I know you will be so glad to get your knee back in shape so that you can do all the things you enjoy.
All that pain can wear one down..
We used to work on puzzles more than now. Glad you're going to have a friend to chat with as you recover!
Praying for you my friend, love you.
Oh that is a cute one! Last year we did a TON of them. First time ever in our marriage. But this year we haven't done any. I can send you some if you want. Most of ours are on the hard side. Dennis and I both enjoy them and like the challenge. Let me know if you want one - or a couple!
Praying praying praying for you! When does YOUR medicare kick in?
I'm sure you'll be very happy with your knee. I had my hip done two years ago, and I still find new things I could not do before! It's great to be pain-free!
I use to love putting puzzles together.. think I should dig one out of the closet. Will be keeping you in my prayers for a fast and wonderful recovery. William still hasn't gotten his truck fixed yet. 8 weeks without a paycheck is draining our savings but like you I am keeping my faith. God will provide.
Prayers said, hugs sent! I know you have lots of help, but please ask if there's anything I can do for you!
I'm sorry to hear you two have to have surgery. It is good that you and Mike don't have to have surgery at the same time.
I love jigsaws too. Maybe I will get a real one and work on it instead of doing the online ones.
Hi Sandy. I'm trying to visit bloggin' buddies today that I haven't visited with in some time. I'm ashamed to say that the yard work and beautiful weather is keeping me outdoors instead of sitting in front of the computer monitor.
That puzzle...oh how I love jigsaw puzzles.
Hope you'll have a great weekend.
You will be so glad when you get that over with....... I have had mine fixed and I am so glad I did... You will up and around in no time.... I will pray.......... I have been missing for a while but trying to catch up!
Good luck with the surgery. Hope everything goes well.
Hi Sandy, I know you will do fine with your surgery because you use the same cutie pie that I had for my knee replacements...I will come over and visit you after surgery..
Where did you take your picture header in Savannah at??? The flowers are gorgeous everywhere..
Enjoy today .... see you soon.
Hugs, Barb
Hi Sandy. Good news for both you and Mike at last about your knees. Though I think I'd just rather have the arthroscopy...less traumatic. Still, I know people who have had hips or knees replaced and they are so thankful they'd had it done and Mike will probably feel the same way, too.
Hang in there, you two, and keep the Faith...you know it'll come right.
Hi I love the puzzle. You gave me one a few years ago and i put it together by myself and framed it. Dad made the frame for me, so now it is a pretty picture. Remember I lost one piece so filled it in and after I did that I found the piece. Oh I was glad but also mad at myself for replacing it with something else. Anyway, I love puzzles too, they are fun. Maybe I need to get me another one too. Good job, well done my young an wonderful daughter. Love Mother
Hope you are enjoying this beautiful weekend even if it is kinda cool. Things here are still the same. Williams truck isn't fixed yet and he hasn't had a paycheck in over a month. Life is sure a adventure! Thanks for visiting my blog during all the things going on with you
"Lord i pray for a speedy recovery for our Sandy, and Your grace in all that surrounds her ... "
You will be in my prayers. I understand the money problem issue. Same is going on in my house. All will go well and just trust in the Lord and He will be with you always.
Love and Hugs,
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