Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thirteen things that I LOVE about keeping grands!!

  • They mind me
  • They keep me young
  • They ask me all kinds of questions then I have to figure out the RIGHT answer
  • We have fun
  • WE go swimming
  • We eat chicken nuggets with three kinds of sauces!!

(Garrett would not let me take this unless He would become FAMOUS!!)
  • We dance
  • WE chase each other around the dining room table. Gma you can really run!!
  • We color and have fun
  • They are very good..most of the time!!
  • I actually make a little bit of my own money too!!
  • I learn IF God is older than earth of if the earth is OLDER than God!! (We figured God was older!!)
  • Hopefully I can instill some good into them and they will remember their Gma Sandy someday!!

Flip Flop

Thought for the day: " A Hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...but the world maybe different because I was important in the life of a child.!" This is my favorite quote!!


Baba said...

Good afternoon Sandy, we just came back from lunch... I am going to Curves again this afternoon when they open up...I leave in the morning. My male cousin is very sick and dying from cancer which was found one year ago...this is going to be a sad week-end for the family.Talk later,
Hugs, Barb

Susan said...

Awwww...that's so sweet. I am so ready for this time in my life. For now, I get to experience it through nieces and nephews.



Denise said...

Such a precious list.

Unknown said...

Yes Grandkids are very special people to Gma and Gpa's. We had a good time with ours and they do remember us and look forward to seeing us this coming August, so that is nice. We have a nice bunch of grand children and love each and every one of them. Our oldest is going to be coming to stay with us in about 3 weeks, we can hardly wait. He sure looks like his Gpa. We noticed how much Brie looks like her Mother Julie, my she is going to be a beautiful girl. Thanks for the picture you sent, she is so pretty. Love u. Mother & Dad

Peggy said...

grandkids can really keep you going. I am so tired at the end of the day but its a happy tired.

Melli said...

I guarantee you, with THAT smile, Garret is SURE to be FAMOUS!!! He can make his fortune advertising nugget sauces! :) They ARE fun, aren't they? I was with Luz again today - and just like yours, she has a MILLION questions!

Monkey Giggles said...

awe... that is sweet. You sound like a fun Gma. Wonderful memories you are making that will last forever.

Needled Mom said...

Aren't the grands the best part about growing up? Trying to catch up on a few posts here as it has been crazy. I felt for you with the surroundings for the 4th of July. What a nightmare so I am glad the fireworks were good.

Love the housecleaning poem. Soooo true.

Happy belated birthday to your mom. What a nice tribute to her.

Denise said...

What a wonderful post....... I so look forward to Grandbabies but I fear that will never happen,,,,,,,, sooooooo I love to read about yours!!!!!!

Have a Grandchildren filled weekend..

Betty said...

Hi Sandy,

I love your thought for the day. I enjoy it when my grandkids come for a visit. I pet them and pamper them and hope to make good memories for them when I'm gone.

Enjoyed your TT.

Lazy Daisy said...

Hugs to famous GArrett. Sweet Thirteen, I know I miss my Emma. So sorry to hear about your eye. HOpe it is better. Miss you.