Thursday, August 17, 2006

  1. Our Ladies Neighborhood Luncheon is this Saturday at my home...boy I hope we have a good turn out. My neighbor Tootsie and I started about 18 months ago with this idea that our neighborhood needed to get to know each other. Men don't really care but we figured that the women just might so let's start with them. We have had several get togethers and we always have a ton of fun. We have games, prizes, eating and a lot of talking!! We leave getting to know at least one new friend and of course neighbor!!
  2. My mind is still dwelling on my friend, Martha's family and how they are doing since she is no longer with them. I am just hoping that they are somehow getting through their grieving. Her husband will have a hard time just like mine would. Her two children are the same age as my two oldest!! I only wish I could have helped in some way before she decided to take her life!!
  3. My youngest grandson went to school for the first time (all day) this week. He is quite a mamma's boy. He did okay the first day but had troubles today. His mommy was crying. I remember that really well. Don't we all. I remember leaving my oldest at college for the first time. I cried as we left husband had a time with that one!!
  4. The little babies that I take care of one day a week....Danielle just had a catscan and found out that some of her brain is not there!! I am just devastated about that. Soon after she was born she had a brain bled and that is what did it. God made her and he will fix her. She is perfectly fine now. Doctors say as she grows her right side will just quit working. Not so...God will fix it!!
  5. Little Casey (Danielle's brother) goes in August 25th to have a tube put in his stomach. He is still fighting bottle feeding. His mommy is my new hero. She works and works for the longest time trying to get him to eat. She is getting tired...
  6. Will we have people for this party Saturday...OOPS..I think I already said that...guess it is really playing on my mind.
  7. My bible study is not done for this week yet. My friend Susan and I are doing Beth Moore's Daniel. It is really, really interesting. It is like reading today's society..we are Babylon. The more I read the bible the more I realize that it was written for today!
  8. Curves...I am at a stand still again. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I have cut back on food once again and am not eating a thing after 7:30 at night. I guess maybe I need to do something different along with Curves...just where I am going to stick it into my day...Hmm...that is a challenge right there.
  9. I am very concerned about my nephew DJ who in Iraq. He only has a few more weeks there but his buddies are getting killed and wounded badly all around him. We just got an email from him asking us to pray. A female walked up to his friends at checkpoint and blew herself up wounding his friends really bad. He is very upset and wants us to pray for them and for the rest of their time in Iraq.
  10. What a great PRAISE night tonight at our church. Our pastor told us that we were rehearsing for our praise time when we get to Heaven. Boy what a time that is going to be!!!
  11. My pain is back in my right leg. I am still smiling, but it makes Flip Flop Floozy limp a lot and not feel the best.
  12. Every room in this house needs painting except one. The one that my hubby and I just finished. I love each room after they are painted but boy getting them that is the problem!!
  13. Now my brain is dead and pretty much all cleaned out...guess I had better go and visit all of your great Thursday Thirteen blogs now!! Here I come!!!


Lazy Daisy said...

Wow, sorry to hear the about Danielle but you are right. God is in control. We will pray more for her.

Hope you feel better. Sorry about your leg. It will make it harder to get ready for your block party.

Go wish Suzy Happy Birthday!

Unknown said...

I'm not participating in Thursday 13 any longer, but I do so enjoy coming here each week.

Your thoughts run deep! And such a busy mind at that!! #4 is so sad, I hope she WILL recover and remain functional. God has a plan.

I hope you blog about your party and let us know just how everything went. I bet it'll be tons o' fun.

Now cut down on eating too much. I want you around a long time!! Gotta eat. Just eat things that burn calories as you chew. And chew very slowly!!! And a lot!! Before swallowing. The more you chew, the more calories you burn and you still consume the energy you need from the foods you eat. (It works for me)

Happy Thursday Sandy.

Julie said...

Happy TT!!! Tell Garrett i hope he likes school this year.I know how it is to let the kids go to is not easy to let go.
We pray for the Roberts babies all the time and Emily checks on their pictures online since she got to sit with them. Lucky:)
Have a great day

Melli said...

Well, I don't do TT anymore... but I had plenty on my mind today! Looks like you do too. Sure wish I could be at your party on Saturday - that sounds like sO much fun!

I am so sorry to hear about BOTH of those little babies... that mom really IS having a time of it. She must be SO grateful for the help that you and others give her! I hope you are right and the Lord does choose to heal that little girl! I will add her to my prayers -- along with DJ. Sure hope he gets out of there safely!

I don't think cutting back on food is a good idea -- unless you had let it really climb! And it's very hard to make it from 7:30 in the evening all the way through til morning! I couldn't do that -- I'd be waking up in the middle of the night needing something! I always have a cup of milk or a pudding right before I go to bed. Something satisfying to help me sleep! I do think different exercise is a good thing -- and you don't really have to find another spot for it -- you can do it INSTEAD of Curves... Do Curves 3 days a week and "something else" 3 days a week ... I bet that will make a difference!

Have a great day Sandy!
(and keep your eye on the mailbox!)

Maggie Ann said...

Hi Sandy, I am praying just now for your nephew and for the babies. How sad but as you say, God is able. I must ask you, what does the 'TT' stand for in the comment you left me at knitting kat? thanks..=). So you aren't eating after 7:30pm. You just encouraged me for I have gotten off-track with that and by God's grace I will resume not eating in the evening. I could see the difference in the weight coming slowly off my tummy but going on vacation for a week...threw me off-track. I know what you mean about painting rooms...its a huge undertaking when you get right down to it. Great when its done though! Hope you have a nice day and that God takes away the pain in your hubby had alot of back of the leg pain on the trip down south and we put a sofa pillow (my neck pillow for the trip) under his leg and he got some relief that way. We honestly thought we were going to have to turn around and go home he was so miserable for a while. He suffers with arthritus and can't tolerate any of the pres.drugs for it. Poor guy!

YellowRose said...

Sandy, sorry to hear about the babies. But like you said, God can fix it! Will keep them in my prayers. Also will keep DJ in my prayers for his safety till he's safe at home!!

Hope your leg gives you relief soon, as always saying a prayer for you too! ;)

Happy Thursday!

Susan said...

So many prayer opportunities throughout this list!! Praying for your grandson, the event on Saturday, Danielle, Martha's family, and your nephew. Isn't it amazing that God can hear all these things and the requests of millions of other people and care so deeply about each one????

I haven't done the Beth Moore Bible studies, but would so love to!!

I can't wait to hear updates on Saturday!! Have a great Thursday (what's left of it). My TT is up.

Maggie Ann said...

Hi Sandy, thanks for getting back to me about TT..that was sweet of you. And, in the oriental trading bead catalog they have cute little flip flop glass beads they call them charms. Don't know if that interests you...thier prices are a little high. ( case you want to have a look =)

on the Rock said...

I don't know if this helps any. The last 5 months ago I started experiencing horrible pain in my left leg and knee. I was going to give it another month before I go to the doc, when I thought I better do my best to take care of it myself. I tried wearing running shoes, since I've been wearing flip flops and no support shoes that look like ballet shoes for the last two years. Lo and behold, my knee is just beginning to get better after just a few weeks. I still limp, but not as bad anymore. I wear the running shoes for washing the dishes, watering the plants, and other chores. Hope you can do something about the leg pain.

Love the neighborhood lunch idea! I've been thinking about how cool it would be to set up a neighborhood bbq or potluck.

Working in the hospital with babies is hard but rewarding. I did it as a chaplain for 4 years. Blessings!

on the Rock said...
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rena said...

Wow, you have a lot on your mind right now. May He lift it off.
Your comment about your nephew caught my eye in particular...yes, I'll join you in prayer for his safety, strength, and peace of mind Lord..put a hedge around him and his buddies, their families and bring them home safe and sound in spirit and mind.

The Curves thing...well, for me it's Weightwatchers, but I think it's hard for us cause it's summer...we're always on the fly this time of year, no regular sit down meals, and lots of bbq, and other summer foods...that's the excuse I have anyway!! I'm going to hit the ground running again in Sept, which is the REAL start of the new year as far as I'm concerned.

Kimmy said...

Wow. What a list. That made me anxious. Bless your heart.
I'm sorry about Danielle... but you're right. God made her and he will fix her!!! A few months ago I heard about a girl who didn't have the left side of her brain. They said she wouldn't live. She's now 23... walks, talks, goes to school. She even paints. PAINTS. Without the left side... the creative side of her brain. God's awesome!

I will pray for your nephew! Jacob and I always pray for our soldiers, Iraqi's, Afghani's, etc. He is in our prayers. Please keep us posted!

My list is up... Happy T13!

Andrew McAllister said...

I'm sorry to hear about the medical struggles of the little ones. I hope it all works out.
To Love, Honor and Dismay

Ladybug Crossing said...

Hope you are feeling better. You've had quite a week!

Lynn said...


I'll keep your friend's family, the babies, your nephew and you in prayer this week. I wish they could/would bring the soldiers home. Hope this Saturday is a good time for all. It sounds like fun!
