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I have had a time blogging so thought if I changed my name...Come see me
Saturday, May 15, 2010
I have moved
Posted by
Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess
1:40 PM
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Fun at my house
Long time no blog..Once again!! Seems like I am getting REALLY good at this!! My life is so full anymore. I thought the older you get the slower you get..Well that is not the case here.
I go every day doing something. Yesterday morning I was up and running over to my daughter's home once again to take care of the kids. I took them to school like I do about twice a week. Only this time Garrett had a breakfast for parents. Since mommy had to work...guess I am next best for now anyway!! The kids had a project. They had to first pick a state, then do a newspaper...headlines, job articles, sports article and all the columns like a realy newspaper. Garrett choose Illinois. The article that you see below is his job offering. I told him that I would like to have this job and I would work ONLY one day since the pay was so entirely GREAT!! He did really well on his newspaper. They had the make up the articles with the help of the computer for research too. Glad that I got to go...
Charlie bought Garrett a young inventor's kit. You can make all kinds of things with magnets, wires and etc. Last night Mike helped Garrett make this fan thing where you make the fan go around with a battery and wires. I am not much into stuff like this but Garrett loved it and anything that Mike helps him with...well that is just GREAT!! He loves his grandpa!! Isn't that wonderful?
This is my world....FLIP FLOP FLOOZIE!!
Posted by
Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess
2:27 PM
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Our home in April 2010
Just really proud of the way our house looks today!! Mike and I worked on it and cut down a big oleander that was dying on the right hand side of our house. Someone planted it UNDER the porch..DUH!! We think it looks better. Found some plants at Walmart on sale too!! I love flowers can you tell!!
My azaeleas are really showing their glory this year. Behind them are gardenias which will bloom all summer long!! I LOVE their fragrance!!
Posted by
Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess
3:02 PM
Labels: Our home; flowers
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Savannah NOW
Just wanted to share some of the beautiful sights here in Savannah right now!! April is one of the prettiest months if you ever are thinking about visiting here!! Flowers everywhere!!
Posted by
Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess
1:52 PM
Labels: flowers of Savannah
Friday, April 09, 2010
Posted by
Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess
9:08 AM
Labels: Life; Azaleas;
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Family; fighting cats and my flip flop world
Things are going pretty well here lately. Mike is loving his new job and had his first sale this past Monday!! He was so excited and of course I told him that I knew he would do it!! He wants so bad to be able to make this job work. We both know that God gave him this job because how many 65 year olds do you know that have a completely new job in this crazy economy? Not many..right?? He had two more window jobs yesterday that have not sold yet and a fence job today that he is hoping to sell. It just takes time and he is a very patient man!!
Our new kitties are still doing their own fighting!! I am wondering just how long this is going to last but have to keep a positive attitude that they will be become friends one of these days. Annie is only 3 but she looks at this new kitty, Lilly like she is just completely aggravated with her. Annie actually screams at her just like a woman's scream. It is bone chilling!! The first time I heard it I thought someone was really hurt and hurt badly!! It was just Annie telling Lilly to get out of her way!! For a bit Annie was not even eating but she has started to eat now. She realizes when the little one is asleep that is the time to get out and eat and roam. What fun!! Love being the mom of two fighting girls..CATS that is!! This is as close as they dare to get to each other. Lilly is on the left and Annie sleeping with one eye opened!! Smile!!
Our house is still on the market and will be for some time I am thinking!! We may reduce it this Spring. Our kids have reduced theirs and are hoping for some traffic soon. I think once the weather gets to be warmer that things will start. Our neighbor sold hers but she had to give it away. We are NOT going to do that not this time!!
Our son, Jon has moved to Texas now and likes his new job. He started this past Monday the 1st. He had a long trip from California and also with his finace losing her son it was a hard trip!! He is lonely but I am hoping that he makes friends soon. We are so proud of him for landing a new job in this economy. So both of my "men" are doing fine now!! Praise God!!
Me..well I am feeling so so much better. My wrist still hurts at times but it is getting better every day. My knee is still not looking great but the doctors say there is nothing that can be done for it. I just have to be patient and hope that is goes all the way down. It really does not bother me. I go to Curves 3 times a week and so both my wrist and my knee are getting the exercise that they need. I am back to working again pretty much part time but working!! Good to have some money of my own once again!! I really do love working at Curves. Such nice people there.
Guess our great and wonderful president was here in Savannah yesterday. I did not have any
desire to see him. Many did though. I have seen Nixon and Reagan guess that is enough for me. They are just ordinary men who have somehow landed the BIGGEST job in America!!
Been studying Matthew and also found this great bible that I am now having my devotions from. It uses both the old and new testament plus a little devotional for every day. It is really a good way to read your bible. It is called, " Everyday with Jesus Bible". I am really enjoying it.
I have been doing a lot of reading lately too. Seems like I just get to reading and just want to keep going. We have an outlet mall here in Savannah that has books at WONDERFUL prices. I went out there a week or so ago and bought 5 books..hard backs for $8.00. I picked up a great book called..."The Spirit of Sweetgrass". It is by Nicole Seitz. It is the story of Essie Mae. She sits along side of Highway 17 by Charleston, So. Caroling and makes her baskets out of sweet grass. If you would like to read a very light, funny and great book, go pick this one up. You will laugh and also cry through it. I dearly loved it. It is right up there with my favorites!! I am now on another book called, "Plague Maker" by Tim Downs. I love it when I can find books that are good and there is no offensive language in them. I also finished, "Shutter Island". It does have bad language but it was quite an interesting and thrilling book. Would love to see the movie!!
Get to reading, it is such a great way to learn new things!!
Posted by
Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess
9:27 AM
Labels: Cats: Jon; Mike;
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
The Sunshine Award and other news
Today I received this Sunshine Award and would like to pass it on to other bloggers that i feel always bring SUNSHINE into my life when I read their blogs.
I would like to pass this onto the following:
Lazy Daisy: She helped me get my blog up and going!! Her Mr. Wonderful came up with my fascinating name!! I can never change this because no one would know who I am...thanks to Mr. Wonderful!! She has a wonderful sense of humor. I always wanted her to write a book. I told her that I would buy it!! That is the best reason for writing one!! Thanks through Daisy I have met so many wonderful bloggers from all over the world.
My Canadian Friend: I was so happy when I found this friend!! She has a great hubby that she has had to care for because of his chronic pain. I found out right away that she also loves cats and well so do I for sure!! I love reading her blog (when I can) and keeping in touch with her. I have never met her but have talked to her here on the computer through IM's. What fun!!
Barb: I first met Barb at Curves here in Savannah. She and I just became friends very easily. She even lives close to me. She was interested in my blogging so one day I got her set up!! She has been blogging ever since. Barb is a very sweet and happy lady!! She always brings Sunshine to me when I am with her or when I read her blog!!
Melli: This is a REALLY fun lady as many of you know that know her. We had a blogging babes week here at my house and had a ball. She even let me color her hair!! She writes in a very funny and relaxed style which I just love!! She is a good this Sunshine award should go to her...
Denise: This lady is someone that i would love to meet!! She takes care of both of her parents which is a completely full time job!! She and I have been friends for some time too. This is what I dearly love about blogging..meeting these sweet people that I would have never met any other way!! Sending Sunshine your way....
This sweet lady lives in Canada also!! I love the Canadian bloggers!! She is a very giving person and is always giving away gifts of which I was once a winner. I don't remember how I met her but I have loved going to her blog all these years now and enjoying her life right along with her...
In other news: It has been a long time since I actually blogged!! Many things have happened..some fun and some not so fun like the news we received this morning from our son, Jon in California.
He is engaged to a beautiful lady named, Maria. She lost her 30 year old son yesterday suddenly. They are not sure why yet as they will be doing an autopsy soon. They are all just devastated of course.
Jon just landed a job in Texas and will be leaving for there this week. Now he is torn with leaving Maria and trying to get to Texas to start his new job this coming Monday the 1st. This has been a terrible shock to this family. Jon said Oscar was like a son to him so this is not a good time for our son.
I finally HAD TO CELEBRATE that 65th birthday with wrinkle cream going on my face as quickly as I could get it there..No really, I did not feel good on my birthday. I think this one really got me and of course I LET it get to me. I am now on the other side of it and living to tell about it. I guess it did not hurt!! I am still the same lady!!
Mike is doing well and will be starting his new position this coming week. He has been going back to school which I am sure at 65 cannot be the thing we all want to do...he is very willing and is putting himself out there for the both of us. What a great hubby that I have!! Course anyone that has ever read this blog of mine knows how I feel about him..Fortunate, lucky, blessed and certainly in Love with this man!!
Our two kitties are still having their battles but this mom of kitties is hoping that soon we can get this all behind us and both of our little ones will live in harmony. I have my squirt bottle and when battles happen I am there squirting away!! I talked to them and tried to tell them that they NEED to get along....Hmmm..Wonder if they listened!!
Savannah is into Spring now and oh do I love this time of the year. Usually around here from about Feb till April it is gorgeous. The flowers will be starting to pop out soon. I have seen some of the buds on some trees are already coming alive!! I love living in this state..Hope I get to stay!!
Well this has taken me a long time to get together!! I am not the blogger that I used to be and I know it. I wish that I could get back to reading others blogs and posting every day but that has not happened this year. Life has seemed to get in the way...Oh speaking of life...I am back in my splint on my left hand again...The bone has healed but the cartlidge is giving me fits..pain mostly. I am in this thing again for at least 2-6 more weeks. GREAT!! That big fall of mine is never going to leave me alone.
Hang in there fellow Bloggers
Thought for the day: "We do not stop playing because we grow old, We grow old because we stop playing!! Never be the first to get old!!"....some good advice!!
Posted by
Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess
4:48 PM
Labels: Sunshine award; Jon; Maria;